Well... let's figure it out.
So the answer is, between the number 1 and 100 an 8 appears 20 times.
11 times
As a digit in other numbers it appears 20 times
The digit appears eleven time from 1 to 100.
To determine how many times the digit 9 is written when writing numbers from 1 to 10000, we can consider the pattern of its occurrence in each place value. In the units place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 9 to 9999). In the tens place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 90 to 99, 190 to 199, and so on). In the hundreds place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 900 to 999, 1900 to 1999, and so on). Therefore, the digit 9 is written 3000 times in total when writing numbers from 1 to 10000.
Well, honey, the digit 3 appears in every odd number that ends in 3, 13, 23, 33, and so on up to 39. So, in the first 40 odd numbers, the digit 3 appears 4 times. Math doesn't have to be a drag, darling!
11 times
As a digit in other numbers it appears 20 times
#include<iostream> #include<array> #include<sstream> std::array<int,10> get_frequency (int range_min, int range_max) { if (range_max<range_min) std::swap (range_min, range_max); std::array<int,10> digit {}; for (int count {range_min}; count<=range_max; ++count) { std::stringstream ss {}; ss << count; std::string s {}; ss >> s; for (auto c : s) { ++digit[c-'0']; } } return digit; } int main () { std::array<int,10> digit {}; digit = get_frequency(1, 89); std::cout << "In the range 1 to 89...\n"; for (int d {0}; d<10; ++d) { std::cout << "\tthe digit " << d << " appears " << digit[d] << " times.\n"; } } Output: In the range 1 to 89... the digit 0 appears 8 times. the digit 1 appears 19 times. the digit 2 appears 19 times. the digit 3 appears 19 times. the digit 4 appears 19 times. the digit 5 appears 19 times. the digit 6 appears 19 times. the digit 7 appears 19 times. the digit 8 appears 19 times. the digit 9 appears 9 times.
The digit appears eleven time from 1 to 100.
To determine how many times the digit 9 is written when writing numbers from 1 to 10000, we can consider the pattern of its occurrence in each place value. In the units place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 9 to 9999). In the tens place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 90 to 99, 190 to 199, and so on). In the hundreds place, the digit 9 appears 1000 times (from 900 to 999, 1900 to 1999, and so on). Therefore, the digit 9 is written 3000 times in total when writing numbers from 1 to 10000.
Well, honey, the digit 3 appears in every odd number that ends in 3, 13, 23, 33, and so on up to 39. So, in the first 40 odd numbers, the digit 3 appears 4 times. Math doesn't have to be a drag, darling!
Including the one in ' 1 ' and the one in '100', there are 21 1s.Every other digit 2 - 9 appears 20 times between 1 and 100 .
If you count 11 as 2 instances, the digit 1 appears 18 times if you don't count 10, 19 times if you do. 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91
The digit 9 appears in the units place 100 times from 1 to 1000 (9, 19, 29,..., 989, 999). It also appears in the tens place 100 times (90, 91, 92,..., 99, 190, 191,..., 199, 290,..., 999). Therefore, the digit 9 appears a total of 200 times from 1 to 1000.
Many are named only 4 times. In many of the genealogical lists names are mentioned but the people are not dealt with in any detail. If we deal only with those whose names begin with the letter A, we find in the King James version the word - Abia - appears 4 times the word - Abiah - appears 4 times the word - Abinoam - appears 4 times the word - Achsah - appears 4 times the word - Adin - appears 4 times the word - Ahiah - appears 4 times the word - Ahiman - appears 4 times the word - Annas - appears 4 times the word - Arah - appears 4 times the word - Attai - appears 4 times the word - Azgad - appears 4 times the word - Azubah - appears 4 times All of these 'words' are the names of people.
Assuming you are asking how many times the digit 1 appears when writing the numbers 400 to 500: It appears in the tens place once (41x where x is any digit 0-9) so there will be 10 occurrences of it here. It appears in the ones place for every digit in the tens place (4x1) so there will be 10 occurrences of it here. However, the number 411 has been counted twice, once as 41x and again as 4x1. Thus the digit 1 will be written 10 + 10 - 1 = 19 times.