1 digit number: only 1 number 2 digits number: 18 numbers 3 digits number: 76 So there are 95 numbers containing 9.
500 or so.
500/10 = 50 times.
625 if numbers can have leading 0s, 500 otherwise.
1 digit number: only 1 number 2 digits number: 18 numbers 3 digits number: 76 So there are 95 numbers containing 9.
The 3 digit numbers under 500 are 100 through 499.
500 or so.
If you include the number 3,000, there are exactly 2,001 4-digit numbers between 500 and 3000.
Assuming you are asking how many times the digit 1 appears when writing the numbers 400 to 500: It appears in the tens place once (41x where x is any digit 0-9) so there will be 10 occurrences of it here. It appears in the ones place for every digit in the tens place (4x1) so there will be 10 occurrences of it here. However, the number 411 has been counted twice, once as 41x and again as 4x1. Thus the digit 1 will be written 10 + 10 - 1 = 19 times.