3 times with a remainder of 6
No - the nearest big number divisible by 3 is 600 - which is 20 more than 580 As 20 is not divisible by 3 then also 580 is not.
Selling price = cost price + gross profit 580 = cost*(1 + 331/3%) = cost*4/3 So cost = 580*3/4 = 435
Yes, no, yes.
3 times with a remainder of 6
Tomes and Talismans - 1986 Under Cover 1-3 was released on: USA: 1986
No - the nearest big number divisible by 3 is 600 - which is 20 more than 580 As 20 is not divisible by 3 then also 580 is not.
Selling price = cost price + gross profit 580 = cost*(1 + 331/3%) = cost*4/3 So cost = 580*3/4 = 435
Yes, no, yes.
Gives:+4 Most Buffs Eternal Aura+3 Most Buffs (enemy)Requirements:- Eternal Aura- Tomes of Power (with 5 charges)Secret Procedure:- Sell the Tomes of Power to any shop