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7 two-digit numbers.

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Q: How many two digit whole numbers are increased by 18 when their digits are reversed?
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How many four digit palindromic numbers are there?

The same as the number of two-digit numbers, since the last two digits must the same as the first two, only reversed. So I'll say there are 100 four-digit palindromes.

How many four-digit palindromic numbers are there?

The same as the number of two-digit numbers, since the last two digits must the same as the first two, only reversed. So I'll say there are 100 four-digit palindromes.

Find a two-digit number whose value is increased by 75 percent when its digits are reversed?

The number you are looking for is 12. Reversing the digits gives you 21 75% of 12 is 9 12 + 9 = 21

The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 9 When the digits are reversed the number is increased by 63?

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