

Best Answer

None. It requires motivation and guidance by either a human

or some sort of machine in order to even begin writing.

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Q: How many words can a pen write within 1 minute?
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How many words would it take To write a 20 minute essay?

Ive just done one right now i did 526 words so i reckon 400-600+ is about normal

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171.333 words

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What does nwpm mean?

Net words per minute. referring to an average count of how many words you can type in one minute.

How many words in a 25-minute speech?

2500 to 3500 words

How many words is a 8 minute speech?

An 8-minute speech is typically around 1000-1200 words, depending on the speaker's pace and delivery style. It's recommended to practice the speech several times to ensure it fits within the time limit and flows smoothly.

How many words the wolds fastest talker can speak in one minute?

Steve Woodmore spoke 595 words in 56.01 seconds giving a speed of 637 words per Minute, Sean Shannon spoke 266 words in 23.8 seconds giving a speed of 655 worrds per minute. As the question is how many words per minute then Steve woodmore is the one that can actually talk for a minute

How many words is a 20 minute speech?

A 20-minute speech is typically around 2,500-3,000 words, depending on the speaker's pace and style of delivery. It is important to practice and time the speech to ensure it fits within the allotted time frame.