

How math is involved in welding?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Not usually very much in the welding process, apart from a certain amount of quantity-surveying arithmetic perhaps, to ensure you don't run out of consumables in mid-task. The welder has to understand such items as gas and filler-wire feeds, current etc specific to task and technique.

The bulk of the real mathematics will be in designing the fabrication, and stress & strain calculations can be very heavy-going maths indeed. The design may also involve mensuration to ascertain the quantities and weights of materials.

In industry, you need also to estimate the time and cost of the work. There are the task's own materials, any design and wages costs; plus a fair share of the company overheads like capital repayment, admin staff pay, building charges, safety clothing for the welders; etc, etc.

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