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Q: How much area can a 10 megaton bomb cover?
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Which is more damaging Atom bomb or megaton bomb?

A megaton bomb is more damaging than an atomic bomb because it has a much higher explosive yield. A megaton bomb releases energy equivalent to the detonation of one million tons of TNT, while an atomic bomb typically releases energy equivalent to the detonation of thousands of tons of TNT.

How much power is in a megaton bomb?

A 1 Megaton (million ton) nuclear warhead has the destructive power of 1 million tons of TNT.The measurement comes from the use of TNT's explosive power in quantity. The Trinity test site at Alamogordo, New Mexico, prior to the first nuclear test, was calibrated using TNT prior to the main test.

What would be the blast radius of a 200 megaton nuclear bomb?

Well i did some rough estimates...prob be like 56 milesA blast radius is equal to the square root of the megatonage. A 1 megaton bomb has a blast radius of severe damage of about 4 miles. Therefore a 200 megaton bomb (14 being about the square root) would have about a 56 mile radius. Though direct exposure to the explosion at that distance could probably still cause severe burns and it would probably cause damage as much as 200 miles out.

How much of the world can be wiped out by a a bomb?

The blast zone of an A Bomb will cover about one to two miles and the radiation posioning will cover about fifty miles. But more modern Nuclear weapon will cover about ten to even fifty miles.

How much land can a nuke blow up?

The land area affected by a nuclear explosion depends on the size of the bomb and the height at which it detonates. For example, a one-megaton nuclear bomb could destroy buildings and cause fires over an area of several square miles, while a larger bomb could cause widespread destruction over tens of square miles. The immediate blast zone, radiation fallout, and thermal effects would all contribute to the overall impact on land.

How much does megaton weigh?

One million tons

How much does a megaton weigh?

One million tons

How many people can die from an atomic bomb in 1 minute?

Cannot answer without much more information, as this depends on the yield of the bomb, altitude of the detonation, population density around ground zero, housing construction, cloud cover, weather, and many other variables. A low yield bomb over an area of high population density may kill many more than a high yield bomb over an area of low population density. Cloud cover may reduce death rate. A high yield bomb over an area of very high population density on a cloudless day could produce many deaths!

How much area did the roman civilization cover?

they covered area

How much land area does it cover?

it covers about 193

How much area will 35 square feet cover?

"Square feet" aren't things that are used to cover area."35 square feet" is an amount of area that you have to cover with something.

How much of an area can a nuclear explosion damage?

The area that a nuclear explosion can damage depends on the size of the bomb and the altitude at which it detonates. A large nuclear bomb detonated at ground level can create a blast radius of several miles, while detonating a smaller bomb at higher altitudes can generate an electromagnetic pulse that can affect a much larger area.