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Q: How much centimetres should ice be to be safe?
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Does Britt Nicole sing safe on ice castles?

Britt Nicol does sing Safe on the new Ice Castles movie. She pretty much sings all of the songs on this movie.

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Are ice rinks safe for children?

Ice rinks are safe for the children 10 or older.

How big is the biggest ice cream ever?

12 metres and 24 centimetres

How do you know when ice is not safe to travel on?

Test hole should be at leats 3 inches thick to walk on.

Are plastic ice cube trays safe?

yes. it is safe to make ice in plastic trays.

Is dry ice safe to put in drinks?

Yes. Dry ice is safe to put in drinks. It's only carbon dioxide (the same thing that makes soda fizzy) in it's frozen form. However, it is not safe to ingest. Ingestion of dry ice would result in a hospital visit. Also, putting in too much dry ice will cause the drink to freeze and be undrinkable.

How much profit should you expect from each ice cream cone of soft serve ice cream?

depending on how big or small the cone is and how much you sell it ice cream cone should go for $1.00-$1.50 and you should profit about .75 cents

Is it safe to give your 8 week old baby ice cream?

not too much, too much will give him/her a mega stomach ache

Is dry ice safe?


How thick does ice have to be to be safe to walk on?

Ice should be at least 4 inches thick to walk on safely. For larger groups or activities like ice fishing or skiing, the ice should be at least 6-8 inches thick. It's important to check the thickness of the ice regularly, especially when temperatures fluctuate.

How much milk fat should the ice contain to make real ice cream?

10% milk fat