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It is different from one country to another. But it is typically about 200USD per 1000 m3. Here, keep in mind one thing that it is for international selling price, domestic price is different.

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Q: How much does a cubic meter of gas cost?
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1 m3 LPG gas equal to how much kg?

The weight of 1 cubic meter (m3) of LPG gas depends on its density, which can vary. On average, 1 cubic meter of LPG gas weighs around 540-580 kilograms.

How many liters in 1 cubic meter of bio-gas?

1 cubic meter of bio-gas is equivalent to 1000 liters.

How much does 1 cubic foot of lpg gas cost?

at $2.15 a gallon, one cubic foot is $0.0591

1 cubic meter gas equals 1kgs are not?

A cubic metre of gas on earth will not have a mass of 1 kg.

How many liters of oil are in 93 cubic meters of gas?

There are approximately 93,000 liters of oil in 93 cubic meters of gas, as 1 cubic meter is equivalent to 1000 liters.

How much does 1 Cubic meter of Compressed Natural Gas weight in kilograms?

On average, 1 cubic meter of compressed natural gas (CNG) weighs approximately 0.67 kilograms. The weight can vary slightly based on the density and pressure at which the CNG is stored.

How much does it cost to run your gas fireplace a night?

Find the tag on the fireplace unit and note the Input rating, then divide that # by 1000 and the answer is the # of cubic feet of gas the burner burns in one hour. Or watch your gas meter for 60 seconds and note the cubic feet used and multiply that times 60 and again you have your cubic feet per hour #, use this method if you don`t see a tag. Be sure no other gas appliances in the home are operating while you are reading the meter. Then look at your gas bill and see what a cubic foot of gas costs you and multiply that by cubic feet per hour it uses times the # of hours you run it per night and you have your answer.

How much electricity is produce from 1cubic Meter natural?

The amount of electricity produced from 1 cubic meter of natural gas can vary depending on the efficiency of the power plant and the type of technology used. On average, 1 cubic meter of natural gas can generate around 10-12 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

How do you convert reading of gas meter cubic to liters?

Multiply cubic meters by 1,000 to get liters.

How much does a cubic meter of acetylene weigh?

A cubic meter of acetylene gas at room temperature and pressure weighs approximately 1.1 kilograms.

How many molecules are in one cubic meter of air?

That depends on the pressure and temperature of the air in the cubic meter. Any time you change the pressure or the temperature of a gas, you change the number of molecules in one cubic meter of it.