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Q: How much force is needed to lift 10 pounds at a 45 degree angle?
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What is the force needed to push object up an 15 degree incline?

The force needed to push an object up a 15-degree incline can be calculated using the formula: Force = Weight * sin(θ), where θ is the angle of the incline in radians. This force is equal to the component of the object's weight that acts perpendicular to the incline.

If friction is ignored what is the ramp required with to lift the road?

If friction is ignored, the ramp required to lift the road would be at a 45 degree angle. This is because at a 45 degree angle, the components of the gravitational force acting on the object perpendicular to the ramp would be equal to the force needed to lift the road.

How much force is needed to pull a 1330 lb object?

The amount of force needed to pull a 1330 lb object will depend on the surface friction and the angle of the pull. However, the force required to overcome gravity (weight) alone would be approximately 1330 pounds.

How much force is needed to displace 1500 pounds of water?

The force needed to displace 1500 pounds of water depends on whether you are trying to displace it vertically or horizontally. To displace 1500 pounds of water vertically (lifting it), you would need a force of 1500 pounds. If you are displacing it horizontally (pushing it), the force needed would depend on the resistance of the water and the method being used.

What happens when a liquid makes an angle of 90 degree with inner wall of the capillary?

when adhesive force becomes equal to cohesive force then the contact angle becomes 90 degree. At such a peculiar situation the meniscus remains parallel to horizontal line.

How much force is needed to lift 200 pounds of weight?

To lift 200 pounds of weight, you would need to apply a force equal to the weight being lifted, which in this case is 200 pounds. This is because the force needed to lift an object against gravity is equal to its weight.

How does the angle of the ramp affect the force needed?

The steeper the angle of the ramp, the more force will be required to move an object up the ramp. This is because a steeper angle increases the component of the gravitational force that acts against the motion of the object. A shallower angle will require less force to move the object up the ramp.

What college degree is needed to be a air force officer?

At least a bachelor's.

How does the direction of the applied force change the amount of the force that is doing work?

The direction of the applied force affects the amount of force that is doing work because work is the component of force that acts in the direction of the displacement. When the applied force is in the same direction as the displacement, all of it does work. If the force is at an angle to the displacement, only the component of the force parallel to the displacement does work.

How much force can an arm withstand before being torn off?

The amount of force needed to tear off an arm varies depending on factors like the person's size, muscle strength, and angle of force. However, a human arm can typically withstand around 1,000-1,500 pounds of force before being torn off. Force applied suddenly or at a certain angle may cause more damage than a gradual increase in force.

Why does a catapult shoot best from a 45 degree angle?

The [horizontal] range of a projectile is maximised when it shoots at a 45 degree angle. This is true if air resistance is ignored so that the only force acting on the projectile is gravity.

How much weight on a pivot would it take to lift 100 pounds?

Assuming the pivot is positioned at a 90-degree angle and ignoring friction, it would take a 100-pound force applied at the end of a 1-foot-long lever arm to lift 100 pounds. This is based on the principle of torque, where the force applied multiplied by the distance from the pivot point determines the weight that can be lifted.