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Q: How much gas is in 1000 ' of 8'' pipe at 500 PSI?
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How does 500 MPA yield compare to PSI?

Divide by 6.895 and multiply by 1000 to get psi (500/6.895) x 1000 = 72,516 psi

How decreasing pressure but not the flow in a pipe?

about 70 bar (1000 PSI)

What size pipe is needed to move 1000 gallons of water per second at 1000 psi?


How much air pressure can copper pipe hold?

2000 Psi

How much water pressure in a copper pipe?

up to 2.300 PSI

How much is 1 KN in psi?

1 kilonewton is equal to 1000 newton.

How much water goes through a one inch pipe with 60 psi?

A lot

What water psi must you have to flow 1000 gpm 1100 ft?

Before you can calculate the flow, you must also have the pipe size and its coefficient of friction.

How do you convert psi water pressure to gallons per minute?

First you need the size of the pipe and the volume of water supply. Pressure will vary during usage. Standard well system operates between 20-40 psi and city systems operate from 50-70 psi.

How much pressure can a rocket withstand?

Rockets can withstand high pressures during launch, typically around 500-1000 psi for the fuel tanks and up to several thousand psi for the combustion chamber. The exact pressure tolerance depends on the design and materials used in the rocket's construction.

How much does 1000 psi weigh?

Pressure, measured in psi (pounds per square inch), does not have a weight. Pressure is a force distributed over a given area. In this case, 1000 psi indicates the amount of force applied over one square inch.

What would the water pressure be at the bottom of a 6 inch pipe 188 ft tall?

The water pressure at the bottom of the pipe can be calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of water (1000 kg/m³), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²), and h is the height of the pipe (188 ft = 57.3 m). Plugging in the values, the pressure at the bottom of the pipe would be approximately 56,700 Pa, or about 8.23 psi.