78 %
70 percentage three quarters of the world
The percentage of pure clean water is only 1% among all kinds.
The answer depends on the context: Do you want: frozen water as a percentage of all water on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all matter on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all water in the solar system, or beyond? frozen water as a percentage of all matter in the solar system, or beyond? There are other possible interpretations.
NEPTUNE HAS WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neptune is a gas giant composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water vapor in its atmosphere. However, it does not have a solid surface where liquid water could exist.
Neptune is a gas giant that is primarily made of a gaseous atmosphere. Neptune's atmosphere is hydrogen and helium, with some water, ammonia and methane.
Neptune has a gravity that is about 1.14 that of Earth.
yes there is water on neptune
There is some water ice suspended in Neptune's atmosphere.
No. Neptune has water in it's lower layers in the mantle
Neptune is a gas giant with no solid surface, and its atmosphere is composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and methane. The extreme cold temperatures and lack of water vapor in Neptune's atmosphere make it unlikely to have humidity as we experience on Earth.
No, (and Neptune does not have water because of the intense cold, water turns into ice)