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Q: How much percentage of water is in earth?
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What is the overall percentage of water on earth?

The total volume of water on Earth is less than 1,500 million km3. The overall volume of the Earth is 1,100,000 million km3. The percentage of water by volume is therefore about 0.1%This is by comparison a much smaller percentage of water than is found on Europa

How much frozen water percent?

The answer depends on the context: Do you want: frozen water as a percentage of all water on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all matter on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all water in the solar system, or beyond? frozen water as a percentage of all matter in the solar system, or beyond? There are other possible interpretations.

Trivia about our beautiful planet How much percentage of water on planet earth?

About 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered with water but only about 0,0001% of the total mass is liquid water.

What contains the largest percentage of the Earth's water?

Oceans contain the largest percentage of Earth's water, holding approximately 97% of all water on the planet.

How much percentage is the earth is it 100?

Only if you are referring to earth as a percentage of earth, then earth is 100% of earth

What percentage of the earth's freashwater is ground water?

Groundwater makes up about 30.1% of the Earth's freshwater.

What percentage of earth's fresh water supply?

just about 95% of the Earth is water

There is a lot of water on on earth what percentage it is fresh?

yes there is alot of water in earth.

How much of the water on earth can you use?

Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface; the oceans contain 97.2% of the Earth's water. :) Approximately 2.59% of water on Earth's surface is fresh water, and of this percentage, 70% of it is trapped in ice caps. This leaves less than 1% of the water of Earth suitable for use.

What percentage of water is in the Earth?

It depends. One hundred percent of Earth's water is one earth

Is there more water on earth then oil?

Yes, there is more water on Earth than oil. Water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface, while oil reserves are limited and make up a much smaller percentage of Earth's total volume.

What percentage of earth's water in fresh water?

about 5%