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Q: How much pressure in 30 ft of water?
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How much water in a 18 ft wide and 30 ft long and 52 feet in deepth?

18 ft x 30 ft x 52 ft = 28080

How much head pressure lossin a 30 foot rise?

30ft rise = 13 psi (pressure is 13 psi higher at bottom of a 30ft column that at the top). Water Pressure = .433 psi per ft for a column of water at 62 degrees F.

What is the water pressure in a 2 inch line 30 feet long with a height of 8 feet?

The pressure is only dependent on the height of water above the measuring point. 1 psi corresponds to a height of 2.3 ft, so 8 ft = 3.5 psi The pressure is only dependent on the height of water above the measuring point. 1 psi corresponds to a height of 2.3 ft, so 8 ft = 3.5 psi

What is the water pressure in psi for 900 ft?

The water pressure at a depth of 900 ft is approximately 390 psi.

The fluid pressure 10 ft underwater is the fluid pressure 5 ft underwater?

No, the fluid pressure increases with depth underwater. The pressure at 10 ft underwater will be greater than the pressure at 5 ft underwater due to the weight of the water above exerting a greater force at greater depths.

Water pressure at 300 ft?


How much does 30 inches equal ft?

12 inches = 1 ft so 30 inches = 2.5 ft

How much water would the average 30ft by 50ft garden use?

How much water the average 30 ft by 50 ft garden uses is dependent upon several factors. To be considered are the type of soil, the types of plants, and the climate.

How much is 30 ft x3ft in sq ft?

It is: 30 times 3 = 90 square feet

What is pressure 10 ft under water?

4.3psi assuming fresh water

What is the water pressure at 5000 feet below sea level?

'Hydrostatic Pressure' is the Term used for 'the force exerted by a body of fluid at rest. The pressure increases with increase in depth.There are two ways to Calculate water (clean water) pressure at any depth (both yields almost same results):1. The Hydrostatic pressure of water is 0.433 Psi/ft (Pounds per square inch Per feet). So at 5000 feet, the pressure is: 0.433 Psi/ft. * 5000 ft = 2165 Psianother way to go about it is:2. Water pressure increases at 14.7 psi every 34 feet depth. Thus Pressure at 5000 ft will be: (5000 ft / 34 ft) * 14.7 psi = 2162 Psi.

How much is 30 square meters in square feet?

Answer: 30 m² = 322.917 ft² OR 322 ft² and 132.0 in²