50 gallons
50 milliliters
A 50 ml solution that is 10% acid will consist of 5 ml of acid (10% of the volume) and 45 ml of water (90% of the volume). You're not adding any water, but you want to add enough acid to make a solution that is 50% acid and 50% water. You will need to have a total of 45 ml of acid in the mixture to make it a 50/50 solution, since the amount of water is also 45 ml. You have 5 ml in there already, so you would need to add 40 ml of acid. That would make a total 90 ml solution that is 50% water (45 ml) and 50% acid (45 ml).
Heating of water=m x s x delta T,where m is the mass ,s is the specific heat of water(1 cal/gm)=5x1x(50-25) =125 cal
1 gallon = 0.0000030688649 acrefeet 1 acrefoot = 325,853.38 gallons
50 gallons of water!
50% water (distilled water is better) and 50% antifreeze
about 50% is water
50 oz of water would weigh approximately 3.13 pounds.
50 cc water is 1.764 ounces
how much is 50 cc of water... well, it's 50 CCs.... ? if you want to get that in another measurement type in "50 cc to ___" say, ml or maybe oz litres. etc.
50 psi of air is equivalent to 1145.037 psi of water.
About $50
It is still 50 g. Same difference as water. 50 g of water will freeze to 50 f of ice.
50 - 1, Water 50 Clinic Ace 1
6.1 quarts mixed 50/50 water and antifreeze