will be 27 in may 23rd 2010
If the year is 2009 and you're 27 yrs old then the year you were born is 1982.
If you were born on July 27 you would be 65 years old. But if you weren't, it depends on what day of the year you were born.
68 now, 69 on December 27
Siouxsie Sioux was born on May 27, 1957.
Duncan Goodhew was born on May 27, 1957.
Ad Janssen was born on May 27, 1957.
Siouxsie Sioux is 54 years old (birthdate: May 27, 1957).
Katherine Lanpher was born on May 27, 1957, in Minnesota, USA.
Duncan Goodhew was born on May 27, 1957.
Siouxsie Sioux was born on May 27, 1957.
Duncan Goodhew is 54 years old (birthdate: May 27, 1957).
Magdalena Kuta was born on May 27, 1957, in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland.
Chelsea Field was born on May 27, 1957, in Glendale, California, USA..
Dondre Whitfield was born on May 27, 1969.
As of right now, 16. After May 27, he would be 17 years old.