If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.
2014 - 1996. Do the math!
If you were born on July 9, 1982, then as of April 2011, you would be 28 years old.
twelfth birthday in 2014 2014 - 2002 = 12
You will turn 66 in 2014.
Dan Carter turned 32 years old in 2014. He was born on 5 March 1982.
Nicki minaj is 32 years of age (born 1982)
If you are currently 40 years old, you were likely born in the year 1982. This calculation is based on subtracting your current age from the current year (2022). By deducting 40 from 2022, we arrive at the year 1982.
If you were born in 1982 you would be 30 years old.
If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.
If you were born in 1947 and it is 2014, then you would be 67 years old.
NBA player Tyson Chandler is 35 years old (born October 2, 1982).
born in 1982 Taylor J Herron photographer and graphic artist is 26 yrs old born in 1982
As of November 2011, someone born on April 12, 1982 will be 29 years old.
Michael Essien is a professional footballer from Ghana. He was born on December 3, 1982. As of August 19, 2014, Essien plays for Milan.
20 years old
David Cook from American Idol was born on December 20, 1982. On his next birthday in 2014, he will be 32 years old.