As of January 2012, someone born on July 15, 1960 will be 51 years old.
As of October 2011, someone born in July 1987 would be 24 years old.
Evelyn Glennie is 51 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1965).
J.K. Rowling was born on July 31, 1965, so she is currently 56 years old.
UK presenter Johanne "Jo" Whiley is 52 years old (birthdate: July 4, 1965).
Born July 23, 1965 (1965-07-23), so he is 44 yrs old going on 45.
Marty Brown is 46 years old (birthdate: July 25, 1965).
Benzino (Raymond Scott) is 51 years old (born July 18, 1965).
As of May 2012, someone born in July 1995 would be 16 years old.
Slash was born July 23 1965 he is now 44
born July 22, 1965. ( he's 45)
As of September 2011, someone born in July 1983 would be 28 years old.