Since September 2011 has not occurred yet, the last birthday you have celebrated so far was in September 2010. 2010 - 1943 = 67, so you are 67 years old.
If you have already had your birthday as of today ( Sept. 03/09 ) you would be 66. If not, you would be 65.
If you were born in September, 1962, how old are you in 2010?You are 48 if you were born in September of 1962.
Thales McReynolds was born on 1943-06-08.
Your age has nothing whatsoever to do with when Iwas born. So, if I was born in 1943, you could be born in any year and could be any age.
September 8, 1943 was a Wednesday.
8 years old.
If you have already had your birthday as of today ( Sept. 03/09 ) you would be 66. If not, you would be 65.
She was born on Sept. 19, 1958. In 2012. She is 54 and still fine.
3 Sept 1943
She was born Sept. 8 1979. You do the math.
Africa - although allied forces were already there. The new invasion came in from the West and involved Americans.
Lorenz Hart died on November 22, 1943 at the age of 48.
No - only if you were born before 2 Sept 1929
You will turn 70 in 2013.
Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86.