As today is the 1st January 2010, you were born in the year 1967.
If you were born on February 8, 1967 you would have turned 43 in 2010.
If you mean how old would they be, they would be 43 on the birthday in 2010.
In 2010. You will be forty-three years of age.
You would be 167 years old in 2010. 2010-1843=167
As today is the 1st January 2010, you were born in the year 1967.
If you were born on February 8, 1967 you would have turned 43 in 2010.
If you mean how old would they be, they would be 43 on the birthday in 2010.
In 2010. You will be forty-three years of age.
You would be 167 years old in 2010. 2010-1843=167
As today is the 1st January 2010 and you are 17 years old you would have been born in 1992, unless your birthday is today then you are 18 in 2010.
Assuming today's date of February 23, 2010, if the man was celebrating his birthday today, he would have been born in 2010 - 45 = 1965.
As of June 2010, someone born in November 2000 would be nine years old.
Assuming that today, February 15, 2010, is your 64th birthday, you would have been born in 1946.
As today is the 1st January 2010, they would be 30, unless their birthday is today then they would be 31.
At the start of the month you will be 42 and then you will have your 43rd birthday during July 2010 if you were born in July 1967.
41 years old