The question was posted on 2 August 2012. So you were born in 1948.
In 2014, you are 64 if you were born in 1949 or 1950. (If your 64th birthday falls in 2014, you were born in 1950.)
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
If I am 88 now what year was I born
Born in 1949 so as of this year he is 64.
The question was posted on 2 August 2012. So you were born in 1948.
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
In 2014, you are 64 if you were born in 1949 or 1950. (If your 64th birthday falls in 2014, you were born in 1950.)
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
You would have been born in 1962... same as me !
If I am 88 now what year was I born
Where you were born is irrelevant. In 2017 (now) you would be 64 years old if you have had your birthday this year, otherwise you are 63.
Born in 1949 so as of this year he is 64.
As this is the year 2012, you would have been born in 1964.
Answer: 40 years oldAge today:= Year today - Year born= 2012 - 1972= 40