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Q: How polynomial expression is a rational expression?
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What is rational algebra expression?

Basically, a rational expression is one that can be written as one polynomial, divided by another polynomial.

What are some Rational expression examples?

Just write ANY fraction, with a polynomial in the numerator, and a polynomial in the denominator.

How do you determine whether an expression is rational algebraic expression or not?

If the algebraic expression can be written in the form of a(x)/b(x) where a(x) and b(x) are polynomial functions of x and b(x) ≠ 0, then the expression is a rational algebraic expression.

Differentiate of polynomial and algebraic expression?

A polynomial is always going to be an algebraic expression, but an algebraic expression doesn't always have to be a polynomial. In another polynomial is a subset of algebraic expression.

How can i Differentiate between an algebraic expression and polynomial?

A polynomial is always going to be an algebraic expression, but an algebraic expression doesn't always have to be a polynomial. An algebraic expression is an expression with a variable in it, and a polynomial is an expression with multiple terms with variables in it.

How is a rational function the ratio of two polynomial functions?

That's the definition of a "rational function". You simply divide a polynomial by another polynomial. The result is called a "rational function".

Is x2 plus 1 a expression are polynomial?

Both - a polynomial expression, if you like.

How does my knowledge of polynomial function prepare me to understand rational function?

A rational function is the quotient of two polynomial functions.

A rational expression minus another rational expression is?

Another rational expression.

A rational expression multiplied by another rational expression is a rational expression?


How do you factor a polynomial with the equation of 6A2 - B 2?

The given polynomial does not have factors with rational coefficients.

What are the Basic concepts of rational function?

Thee basic concept is that an rational function is one polynomial divided by another polynomial. The coefficients of these polynomials need not be rational numbers.