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Q: How psychologist might select a sample for a survey?
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Explain how a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample?

Conduct your sampling at a baseball game, a baseball museum or at a meeting of Little League coaches.

What is small sample size?

One is a small sample size, but that's just my answer, you might want to ask more people.

What is the procedure of convenience sampling?

Convenience sampling is also know as grab sampling. There is no procedure for the sampling itself because the emphasis at this stage is usually on improving other aspects of the research such as exposing flaws in a survey form or training personnel. In grab sampling you simply take any sample element that you can find although you might favour those that would exercise parts of your system that might seem weak. For instance, if your survey instrument asks for ages and some people were reluctant to provide them, then how would this be resolved once the grab sampling phase had been completed and actual sampling had started?

What is sample and population relationship?

The sample is a subset of the population. For example, the population may be all the people at your school. A sample might be 5 people from each class. There are different types of sampling methods. The most commonly used is a simple random sample. When your obtain data from the entire population this is called a census.

Which sample size of a population of 200 is most likely to give a reliable conclussion?

i might be mistaken but i think 10

Related questions

What is bias in sampling?

a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample

What distinguishes a probability sample from a non probability sample?

I believe you meant to ask: What distinguishes a random sample from a non random sample? A random sample means the selection or sampling from the population is by chance. Looking at the data, one might not be able to tell if the sample is random or selective. Consider a marketing survey which is included everytime you buy an item online. Random or non-random? It is a survey of recent customers, and probably a pretty good one. But it is not a random selection of all customers who have made purchases with clients.

Dr. Johnson wanted to see the percentage of students in her school who had used drugs. She asked all the honors classes to fill out a survey. She might not get accurate results because she needs?

A random sample -apex 😁

Mr. Golden surveyed people leaving a fitness center to determine American attitudes toward exercise. Give the best explanation for why the results of this survey might NOT be valid?

The survey is biased because the sample consisted only of people who already exercise.

What is a self-selected survey?

A self-selected sample survey is when the surveyer choses who he or she wants to ask the survey question to. So, the people surveyed are not random at all. One problem with this is that the surveyer can easily manipulate results by asking a group of people specifically to get a certain result. For example, if I wanted to do a survey about abortion, and I wanted the results to be in favor of my liberal views, I might only survey people in a liberal coffee shop in Seattle. This is a self-selected survey.

Which psychologist might work as a consultant for a large financial services company?

An industrial organizational psychologist

Is survey head a scam?

no its not. You might be thinking because qualifying for survey becomes difficult. Unless you qualify for survey ,you will not be paid

Where can you get a good psychologist?

That depends on where you live. The best place to start might be with your primary care physician. He or she should be able to refer you to a psychologist.

Explain how a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample?

Conduct your sampling at a baseball game, a baseball museum or at a meeting of Little League coaches.

How can you download miscrits cheats for free but no survey?

you can get a survey bypass and then bypass a survey or there might be a site online if I find one I will post the link up

What do you do in a typical workday as a psychologist?

you basically work with other physicians and collegues also you might stay in an office or have your own personal Firm depends what kind of psychologist you want to be if its a Dr. Type or a Forensic Psychologist.

What Under-coverage might occur if a survey on technology asked questions of?

Under-coverage may occur if the survey on technology only targets a specific demographic (e.g., only young adults) and excludes other age groups or socio-economic backgrounds. This could result in a biased representation of technology usage and attitudes. It is important to ensure that the survey sample is diverse and representative of the target population to minimize under-coverage.