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Convenience sampling is also know as grab sampling. There is no procedure for the sampling itself because the emphasis at this stage is usually on improving other aspects of the research such as exposing flaws in a survey form or training personnel. In grab sampling you simply take any sample element that you can find although you might favour those that would exercise parts of your system that might seem weak. For instance, if your survey instrument asks for ages and some people were reluctant to provide them, then how would this be resolved once the grab sampling phase had been completed and actual sampling had started?

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You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

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The difference between convenience and incidental sampling is that convenience sampling chooses the easiest people to reach when a sampling is done, whereas incidental sampling is done at random.

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Convenience sampling or quota sampling

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No. Convenience sampling involves the active participation of the researcher. It's called convenience sampling because the researcher simply grabs whomever happens to be close to hand. It's not whether people volunteer themselves. Please see the link.

Non -probability sample techniques?

Convenience sampling or quota sampling.

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convenience sampling consists of two or more sample events.

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What is an example of convenience sampling?

Standing in a shooping mall and selecting people as they walk by to fill out a survey is an example of convenient sampling.

Define the four different sampling techniques?

1) Simple random sampling 2) Systematic sampling 3) Stratified sampling 4) Cluster sampling 5) Probability proportional to size sampling 6) Matched random sampling 7) Quota sampling 8) Convenience sampling 9) Line-intercept sampling 10) Panel sampling

What kind of sample is it when you select individuals who are easily obtained?

It is called convenience sampling.