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Q: How should the units be labeled on a graph?
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Does a graph need a title?

Yes! A graph should have a succinct and precise title. The axes of a graph should be clearly labeled with the correct units for the entities graphed. A graph should have its axes scaled so that the graph is not difficult to use. A graph should also have the drawer's initials or name and the date it was prepared.

What should be labeled on a graph?

the title the date

Should the circumference of a circle be labeled with units or square units?

just units

What are the five things that a perfect graph has?

Title & Date, Axis's Labeled, All space used up that is given to draw the graph, units (lablel the axis) and always to the best graph for your subject ;)

What is axis in math?

When you graph lines or points, the cross drawn behind them, labeled with numbers and units, are the axes. The horizontal line is the x-axis, and the vertical the y-axis.

We're would (3.5-5) be labeled at on a graph?


Why is it important to have all of the parts of a graph clearly labeled and drawn?

A graph has to be clearly labelled and drawn for clarity and to aid the correct interpretation of the data shown on the graph.

A line graph is a graph that uses?

A graph is used for graphing lines and points. A graph consist of rows columns and units.

Why is the circumference of a circle labeled in units?

Because it is a length and so must have units of length.

Is f(x) shifted downward a units?

To shift a funcion (or its graph) down "a" units, you subtract "a" from the function. For example, x squared gives you a certain graph; "x squared minus a" will give you the same graph, but shifted down "a" units. Similarly, you can shift a graph upwards "a" units, by adding "a" to the function.

What are labeled with elevation in round units?

Contour maps.

What are the units on a graph?

Unless otherwise specified, they are simply called 'units'.