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The boxes should have capacities which are all the powers of 2, from 20 to 29. 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512. By combining these boxes in different ways, any number of apples up to 1023 can be attained.

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Q: How to arrange 1000 apples in 10 boxes so that any number of apples can be picked in terms of boxes?
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I believe this question should also stipulate that the boxes are incorrectly labelled, then my solution works (I think)! It's easier if you number the boxes:- The box labelled the oranges is box no.1 " " " " apples " " " 2 " " " " apples & oranges is box no. 3 Now remembering that box no.1 is incorrectly labelled "oranges" Box no.2 is incorrectly labelled "apples" and Box no.3 is incorrectly labelled "apples & oranges". Take a sample from box no.3....if it is an apple, then box no.3 holds apples. Box no.2 labelled "apples" is wrong so this box must contain oranges and this leaves box no1 which must hold apples& oranges. This works in reverse (if you pick an orange from box no.3), so you always start with box no.3

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Where do apples come rom?

that's what i think apple come from: 1 Apples grow on apple trees in an orchard. 2 People pick apples from the apple trees. 4 Trucks carry apples to stores. People buy the apples. 3 The apples go into big wooden boxes. 6 CRUNCH! We eat the apples. Look Inside and Apple An apple has four main parts. skin

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