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You can always find the square root of pi on your calculator, if your calculator does not have the square root sign, try to use someone else's calculator. It would take you a very long to try to figure out the square root of pi without a calculator, so I would not recommend doing that, but I do suggest using a calculator.

In case you wanted to know the square root of pi, it is 1.772004515, I know it by heart. 1.772004515 times by 1.772004515 is a little bit over 3.14, it is 3.140000001, but if you try one number less, 1.772004514 times by 1.772004514, it will get you 3.139999998. By the way, pi is an endless number so I did the square root of 3.14, which is not the whole number of pi.

I hope that this will help you!

:D GeniusGirlLives :D

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