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Q: How to find the value of n with mixed numbers?
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What is the sum of 27 and a number n?

To find the sum of the numbers, we must first know the value of n. This was not included in your question.

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The average of n numbers = (sum of n numbers) / (count of n numbers).

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10m/n for any pair of counting numbers m and n such that m < n

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Mean = (sum of the n numbers)/n

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How do you find factorial 5 in C programming?

to find the factorial we declare a variable n and initialize its value to 1 initiate a loop for example a for loop and multiply the numbers upto 5 code:- for(i=1,n=1;i<=5;i++) { n=n*i; }

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Put them is ascending order. Count them = n. If n is odd, calculate (n+1)/2 the median is the value of the [(n+1)/2]th number in the ordered list. If n is even, the median is the average of the [n/2]th and [n/2 + 1]th numbers.

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n must be the square of a rational number. That is, n must be either a square number or the ratio of two square numbers. For example, n = 16 then sqrt(n) = 4 Or n = 81/169 then sqrt(n) = 9/13

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Mean = Total of the numbers / n So total of the numbers = n*mean

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The sum of the first n natural numbers is n*(n+1)/2 There are n numbers so their mean = (n+1)/2

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Numbers. i^n = i^(n mod 4). With n = 27, 27 mod 4...

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Let the consecutive numbers be n,n+1, n+2, n+3, & n+ 4. Add n + (n+1)+(n+2) + (n + 3) + ( n + 4) = 115 5n + 10 = 115 5n = 105 n = 21 N+1 = 22 n+2 = 23 n+3 = 24 n + 4 = 25 So the five consecutive numbers are 21,22,23,24 & 25.