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Q: How will the y value be different if x is negative or positive?
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When there is a -x and x -1 is it positive?

If "x" is positive, "-x" is negative; if "x" is negative, "-x" is positive. Similarly, "x-1" can be positive or negative, depending on the exact value of "x".

Rule for multiplying integers?

Positive x negative = negative (Negative x positive = negative) Positive x positive = positive Negative x negative = positive So if the signs are the same the answer is positive and if they are different it is negative.

Does -3x have a positive or negative value?

It depends on what the value of x is. If x is a positive number, then it will be negative because a negative number multiplied by a positive number is negative. If x is a negative number, then it will be positive because the product of two negative numbers is always a positive number.

Negative times positive equals?

+ x + =+ - x - = - + x - = - - x + = - When the signs are the same then it's positive when they are different then it's negative

True or false if x is positive and y equals -x then xy is negative?

Yes, multiplying a Positive value by a Negative value always yields a Negative product.

Why is absolute value of a number never a negative?

If it had a sign it wouldn't be an absolute value, which is neither positive nor negative, merely absolute.Note that the absolute value of a number is non-negative by definition.For x < 0, |x| = -x (which is positive)For x &ge; 0, |x| = x (which is never negative)

Why is a absolute value of a number never negative?

If it had a sign it wouldn't be an absolute value, which is neither positive nor negative, merely absolute.Note that the absolute value of a number is non-negative by definition.For x < 0, |x| = -x (which is positive)For x &ge; 0, |x| = x (which is never negative)

Justify why the absolute value of a number is never negative?

If it had a sign it wouldn't be an absolute value, which is neither positive nor negative, merely absolute.Note that the absolute value of a number is non-negative by definition.For x < 0, |x| = -x (which is positive)For x &ge; 0, |x| = x (which is never negative)

How do you multiply integers having unlike sign?

Positive x Positive = Positive Negative x Negative = Positive Positive x Negative = Negative Basically if the signs are the same, the answer will always be positive, and if the signs are different the answer will be negative. Hope this helps.

Absolute value of 1.5?

The absolute value of a positive number is the same number - in this case, 1.5. The absolute value of a negative number is the number, without the sign. Note that the absolute value of an expression like (-x) is not necessarily (x); rather, you have to separately consider the case that x is positive, or that x is negative. For example, the absolute value of x is x (if x is positive), or (-x) (if x is negative).

Why For x less than 0 the absolute value of x equals negative x please explain?

That is how the absolute value is defined. For x &lt; 0 the value of x is negative (by definition). Therefore, the value of negative x is positive (negative of a negative). So abs(x) = -x when x &lt; 0

What is an absolute value of an integers?

The integer written without a positive or negative sign.