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The volume of the water was about the same as the volume of the ice, but the volume of the steam was much greater.

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Q: How would the volume of the water and the volume of the steam compare to the volume of an original ice cube?
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How much does water expand when it turns to steam?

At 212 degrees Fahrenheit water expands approximately 1,700 its original volume when converted to steam.

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How much does steam expand?

Water weighs 1kg per liter. If it is all turned to steam you will have 1kg of steam. Water expands to nearly 1700 times its original volume at 212 degrees.

Why does steam have a greater volume than that of water?

Steam has a greater volume than water because the water molecules in steam have more energy and move more quickly, causing them to spread out more. As steam is in the gaseous phase, the molecules are further apart compared to the liquid phase of water, which results in a greater volume.

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Steam power is more efficient.

What happens to the volume of water when it is boiled?

When water is boiled, it turns into steam, which expands and increases in volume. As a result, the volume of water increases when it is boiled.

How much steam will 100 lbs of water make?

100 lbs of steam. The volume that the steam will occupy will depend on the pressure.

What is the difference between water and steam?

Water is the liquid form of H2O, while steam is the gaseous form of water when it reaches its boiling point. Steam has higher energy and occupies more volume compared to water.

How does the volume of completely submerged object compare with the volume of water displaced?

They are equal.

How to calculate water difference when density change?

To calculate the water difference when the density changes, you would need to account for the change in volume due to the density change. Use the formula: Difference in water volume = Original water volume / Original water density - Original water volume / New water density. Multiply this difference in volume by the new water density to obtain the actual water difference.

Why does steam weigh less than water?

Steam is less dense than liquid water because steam is in the gaseous state, while water is in the liquid state. The molecules in steam are farther apart and have more kinetic energy compared to liquid water molecules, which results in steam having a lower mass per unit volume.

How can water turn into steam instantly?

Water can turn into steam instantly through a process called flash evaporation. This occurs when water is heated rapidly, causing it to reach its boiling point and vaporize quickly. Factors such as high temperature, pressure, and surface area can contribute to this rapid vaporization.