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Two lines are intersecting if they have exactly one point in common.

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Q: How would you define intersecting lines?
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What do you call intersecting lines that meet?

you call intersecting lines that meet, just intersecting lines yolanda

Is intersecting lines always coplanar?

Yes. The two lines define a plane which they both belong to.

Can two intersecting lines lie in two planes?

If they are straight lines, then they define a plane in which both lines lie.

Pictures of intersecting lines?

these are intersecting lines.

What problem would there be in your picture if the line were not parallel?

Parallel means lines that are avoiding each other (in other words, they don't touch.) So the problem would have to be the way the lines are going. If the lines were intersecting (or crossing) then that would be the problem.For example: You have a problem on a paper that asks you this same question:What problem would there be in your picture if the lines were not parallel?Answer: Then your lines would be an intersecting pair.Slight definition: If your lines are not parallel, then they would have to be intersecting. Intersecting is when two lines (line segments, angles, etc.) cross on each other. For example... they might make an X by forming together in this pattern. Parallel is when your lines are NOT touching. If they are, they would be considered our P/Intersecting. Standing for "Parallel and Intersecting lines."SRW!!

If to lines intersect how many planes contain both of the line?

Two intersecting straight lines uniquely define one single plane.

Does a square have intersecting lines?

Yes, squares do have intersecting lines. Infact they have 2 diagnol intersecting lines.

What would happen if lines were not perpendicular?

If lines were not perpendicular,they would either be intersecting or parrallel.

Are they intersecting lines are never parallel?

are intersecting lines never parallel YES intersecting lines do not have the ability to be parallel

Do two intersecting lines lie in two planes?

true * * * * * No, false. Any two straight lines that intersect define a plane in which both those lines lie.

What are lines that intersect and form acute and obtuse angles called?

intersecting lines * * * * * Non-perpendicular intersecting lines. Or else the angles would be right angles.

What are lines that intersect to form acute or obtuse angles called?

intersecting lines * * * * * Non-perpendicular intersecting lines. Or else the angles would be right angles.