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Period = 1/frequency = 1/500 = 0.002 second = 2 milliseconds

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Q: How would you find a period of a wave if the wave frequency is 500Hz?
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How do you find the period of the frequency?

The period is the reciprocal of the frequency.

What is the frequency of a tone with a period of 100 milliseconds?

The frequency of a tone with a period of 100 milliseconds is 10 Hz. Frequency is the reciprocal of period, so to find frequency, you would take 1 divided by the period in seconds (0.1 seconds in this case).

What is the frequency of a wave that is 1.6 seconds?

To find the frequency of a wave, you take the reciprocal of the period. In this case, the frequency would be 1/1.6 Hz, which is approximately 0.625 Hz.

How do you find period of frequency?

The period of a frequency is calculated by taking the reciprocal of the frequency. In other words, period = 1 / frequency. This means that the period represents the time it takes for one complete cycle of a waveform at a given frequency.

What is the period of a simple pendulum is its frequency is 20 Hz?

The period of a simple pendulum is the time it takes for one full oscillation (swing) back and forth. To find the period, you can use the formula: Period = 1 / Frequency. So, if the frequency is 20 Hz, the period would be 1/20 = 0.05 seconds.

If the frequency of an FM wave is 8.85 and times 107 hertz what is the period of the FM wave?

The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. So, to find the period of the FM wave, you would take the reciprocal of 8.85 times 10^7 hertz. This would give you the period in seconds.

A blade of grass vibrates at a frequency of 428 Hz. What is the period of the sound wave?

The period of a sound wave is the inverse of its frequency. To find the period, you can use the formula T = 1/f, where T is the period and f is the frequency. Thus, for a blade of grass vibrating at a frequency of 428 Hz, the period would be 1/428, which is approximately 0.0023 seconds.

The frequency of a wave passing under a boat is 9 Hz What is the period of these waves?

To find the period of a wave, you can use the formula: period = 1 / frequency. In this case, the period of the waves passing under the boat would be 1 / 9 Hz, which is approximately 0.111 seconds.

How do you find the period of a wave without the frequency?

You will have to measure it.

How do you find the inverse frequency of a wave?

To find the inverse frequency of a wave, you simply take the reciprocal of the frequency value. For example, if the frequency of a wave is 10 Hz, the inverse frequency would be 1/10 Hz. This can be useful in certain calculations or when analyzing wave properties.

A wave has a period of 4 seconds find the frequency?

Time period = 1 / frequency. Frequency = 1 / time period.f = 1/4 = 0.25 Hz.

How do you find the period of middle c whose frequency is 256Hz?

Period = reciprocal of ('1' divided by) the frequency = 1/256 = 0.00390625 second