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8 hours...think of it as a ratio: 5/10=4/?

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Q: If 5 men takes 10 hours to paint a house how many hours would 4 men take?
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It takes Sal 5 hours to paint a house It takes Sal 3 hours to paint the same house How long will it take to paint the house if both of them work together?

It would take them 4 hours to paint the house together.

If sally can paint a house in four hours and john can paint the same house in 6 hours how long will it take both of them to paint the house?

It will take Sally and John 2.4 hours to paint the house together. This can be calculated by using the formula 1/4 + 1/6 = 5/12, which means they can paint 5/12 of the house per hour together. To find the time it takes to paint the whole house, you can divide 1 (the whole house) by 5/12, which equals 2.4 hours.

If Sally can paint a house in 4 hours and John can paint the same house in 6 hour how long will it take for of them to paint the house together?

Sally does a quarter of the house in an hour, John does one-sixth, so together they would do 5/12 in an hour, thus it would take 12/5 hours ie 2 hrs 24 min in theory. In practice, because of arguments it would probably take three hours plus!

It takes Samantha 4 hours to clean her house Her husband Patrick can clean the house in 7 hours How long would it take both of them to clean the house?

2.54545454 or 2 6/11 hours.

It takes Alvin 3 hours to paint a room it takes Bernie 5 hours to do the same job how long would it take them to do the job together?

Multiply 3 and 5 to get a Least Common Multiple. 15. So you find how many rooms can Alvin paint in 15 hours (5 rooms). Same with Bernie (3 rooms). That means they can paint 8 rooms in 15 hours. Since you want to find "how long it would take," you flip the rate over. In 15 hours they can paint 8 rooms. Reduce if you want, 15/8= 1.875 hour to paint one room.

If Sarah paints a room in 4 hours and sam paints the same room is 6 hours how long will it take for both to paint one room?

We know that Sally can paint the house by herself in four hours. Put another way, she can paint 1/4 of the house in an hour. Using similar logic, we know John paints at a rate of just 1/6 of a house per hour. If we convert those fractions to fractions with a common denominator, we have 3/12 of a house for Sally and 2/12 of a house for John, so together they can paint at a rate of 5/12 of a house per hour. But that is not yet the answer to the question. If you take the reciprocal of 5/12 houses per hour, you get 12/5 hours per house. That equals 2.4 hours per house. Converting to hours and minutes, you get 2 hours, 24 minutes -- because 0.4 hours equals 24 minutes. (0.4 hours x 60 minutes/hour = 24 minutes.) Algebra OR Above answer of this question is right.but we can also define it some other way, in percentage. May be this solution make esay for some friends to understand.Silly tooks 4 hors to paint 100 % (full house).Jhon tooks 6 hours to paint 100 % (Full house).In an hoursilly can paint 25 % of house & Jhon can paint 16.66 % of house, so they both can paint 41.66 percent of house in an, if we divide (total required work) / (work they can do in an Hour)= 100 / 41.66we I'll get the total time to paint complete house.ANSWERS IS : 2.4 Hours or 2 hours 24 minutes.

It takes 5 hours for 3 guys to paint a house. The 3 guys paint for 3 hours and then 3 more guys help finish the house. How much time is saved and why?

One hour is saved. The three guys need two more hours to finish. If three more guys help them, it will cut the time in half. 3 guys * 5 hours = 1 house painted guy * hour = 1 hour of labor So it would take 15 hours of labor to paint a house. We need to assume houses take the same time to paint and each guy works at the same rate. 3 guys * 3 hours = 9 hours of labor 9 hours of labor + (3+3) guys * x hours = 15 hours of labor 9 + 6x = 15 x=1 Total time = 3 hours of 3man + 1 hour of 6 man = 4 hours time saved = 5-4 = 1 hour

How much would paint cost for your house if you were to paint it?

If you gave us some idea of the size that would help ! -Get this advice from your paint store, take sizes and a photo of the house,

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4 workers would need 40 hours to paint 200 trucks, so 20 workers would paint your 200 in 8 hours.

John can paint a fence in 9 hours Tim can paint the same fence in 11 hours How much time would the two working together need to paint the same fence?

4.95 hours

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No! House paint would harm your eye if it were put onto it (not that that's how contact lenses work). I'm pretty sure they don't use house paint.