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AB4 6 8

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Q: If A1 2 3 and B3 4 5 how many elements are in the intersection of A and B?
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How many cell are included in the range A1and B3?

There are six cells included in the range A1 and B3. This includes A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3.

How many cells are included in the range A1 through B3?

6 cells. They are A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3.

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It is cell B3.B3

In Excel which symbol is the mathematical operator for multiplication?

You use the * key, which can be found on the numeric keypad.

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You multiply it by 0.75, exactly as we used to do it before anyone had ever heard of Excel, or of Microsoft. _______________ If you have a value, say in cell A1, then you can put the following formula in cell B1 to do this: =A1 * 0.75

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What is a cell reference made up from?

A cell reference is made up of a column letter followed by a row number, such as "A1" or "C3". This combination identifies a specific cell in a spreadsheet.

What is a cell in spreadsheet?

A cell is an individual square, or box. All individual cells are at the intersection of one column which is labelled by letters and one row which is labelled by a number, i.e. A1, A2, A3, B1,B2,B3, etc. So cell A1 is in column A and row 1.

Would you show an example of math how to find the cross product?

For two vectors (A & B) in 3-space, using the (i j k) unit vector notation:if A = a1*i + a2*j + a3*k, and B = b1*i + b2*j + b3*k the cross product A X B can be found by computing a determinant of the following matrix:| i j k ||a1 a2 a3 ||b1 b2 b3 |Mathematically, it will look like this: (a2*b3 - a3*b2)*i- (a1*b3 - a3*b1)*j + (a1*b2 - a2*b1)*kI did do just a little copy/paste from the crossproduct website, which I've posted a link to, which has some good information.

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Here are the ranks of the stars: O4, G7, M5, A1, A0, F5, B3, K2, K0How do you rank them from hottest to coolest? Within any of those, 0 is warmest, 9 is coolest.

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