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Q: If G x is the inverse of S g and G 2 16 then S 16 2?
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Given: s0 = 2 ft and v0 = 110 ft/sec. The ball is under the influence of gravity, so the acceleration of gravity, g = 32 ft/sec2. The height of the ball (in feet) after t seconds is given by s(t) = -(1/2)gt2 + v0t + s0. So we have: s(t) = -16t2 + 110t + 2 (a parabola which opens downward, so its vertex is a max. point) Thus, t = -(110)/(2*-16) = 55/16, and s(55/16) = -16(55/16)2 + 110(55/16) + 2 = -1*552/16 + 2*55*55/16 + 32/16 = [552(2 - 1) + 32]/16 = (3025 + 32)/16 = 3057/16 ≈ 191 ft