65 years old
If you turn 80 in 2013, you were born in 1933.
Either 76 or 77, depending on what month and date you born on.
-78. If you're wondering how old someone born in 1933 is today (i.e. in 2011), that means they're 77 or 78 years old, depending on if they've had their birthday yet this year.
49 years old
As of January 23, 2010 you would be 77 Years old.
Assuming the year is now 2010, you would have your 77th birthday this year.
77yrs. old Also, 28,024 days old.
Lloyd J. Old was born in 1933.
Today is 22/1/09 so you would be 75
The character of Hannibal was born in Lithuania in the year 1933. He would be 78 years old if he were alive today.
Shirley Temple was five in 1933! She was born in 1928.
he was born in 1933 making him 79
Will Sampson was born on September 27, 1933 and died on June 3, 1987. Will Sampson would have been 53 years old at the time of death or 81 years old today.
Sheldon Adelson is 81 years old. He was born on August 4, 1933.