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Q: If a ball is dropped from a height of 100m each time it hits the ground it bounces 3 5ths of the height it fell How far will the ball have traveled in the 5th bounce?
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If a basketball is properly inflated, it should rebound after bouncing on the ground to about one-Half the height from which it was dropped. If the ball is dropped from 20 feet, how high will it bounce back after the sixth bounce?


How does the height a boucny ball is dropped from effect the height it bounces to?

The higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce back. This is due to potential energy converting to kinetic energy upon impact with the ground, propelling the ball higher when dropped from greater heights. Ultimately, the bounce height depends on factors like gravity, air resistance, and the material of the ball.

Why a ball bounces?

A ball bounces because of the conservation of energy. When a ball is dropped, it gains potential energy. When it hits the ground, this energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the ball to bounce back up until all the energy is dissipated.

A ball is dropped from a height of 125m each time it hits the ground it bounces 35 of the height it fell how high will the ball bounce on the 3rd bounce?

On the third bounce, the ball will bounce to a height of 35% of the previous bounce height (35% of 35% of 125m). Therefore, the ball will bounce to a height of (35/100) x (35/100) x 125m = 15.63m on the third bounce.

A ball is dropped from 10 feet above the ground.It hits the ground and bounces up half as high as it fellThis is true for each successive bounce.What height does the ball reach on the fourth bounce?

After each bounce, the ball reaches half of the height from which it was dropped. Since the ball was initially dropped from 10 feet, on the first bounce it will reach 5 feet, on the second bounce it will reach 2.5 feet, on the third bounce it will reach 1.25 feet, and on the fourth bounce it will reach 0.625 feet.

Why does the bouncy ball bounce higher the first time it bounces?

The ground absorbs some of the energy.

What best describes the greatest height a ball with bounce off the ground after being dropped from a height of 50 cm?

The ball will bounce back to a height less than its original drop height of 50 cm due to energy loss during each bounce. The exact height the ball will bounce to depends on the ball's elasticity and the surface it bounces on.

How does gravity affect the bounce of a basketball?

Gravity affects the bounce of a basketball by pulling it back towards the ground as soon as it leaves the surface. When the basketball is dropped or thrown, it accelerates towards the ground due to gravity, causing it to bounce off the surface. The height of the bounce is determined by the force with which the basketball hits the ground and the elasticity of the ball.

Why is the ball bounce when hits the ground?

The ball bounces when it hits the ground because of the conservation of energy. When the ball impacts the ground, it deforms and stores some energy. This stored energy is released as the ball rebounds off the ground, causing it to bounce back up.

When a tennis ball is dropped to the ground it does not bounce back to its original height?

When a tennis ball is dropped to the ground, it loses some of its energy upon impact, which is converted into other forms of energy such as heat and sound. This loss of energy causes the ball to bounce back to a lower height than its original position. Additionally, factors like air resistance and the elasticity of the ball also contribute to the decrease in bounce height.

What is an infield bounce called?

An infield bounce is also known as a ground ball in baseball. It is a ball hit by a batter that bounces on the infield before being fielded by a defensive player.

From height of 8mts a ball fell down and each time it bounces half the distance backwhat will be the distance traveled?

The total distance traveled by the ball when it reaches the ground is 24 meters. The ball travels 8 meters as it falls, and then bounces back half the distance (4 meters) and continues this pattern until it reaches the ground.