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Just under 30 seconds. The speed of sound in air is 1100 feet per second. To cover 10K (which is 6.2 miles), you could multiply 6.2 by 5,280 (the number of feet in a mile), which gives you 32,736 ft. Then divide the number of feet by the speed of sound, and you get 29.76 seconds. Roughly converted the speed of sound is 330 meters per second so it takes 3 second per kilometer, so 30 seconds

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Q: If a thunderstorm is 10 kilometers away How long does it take for the sound to reach you after you see the lightning?
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How do you figure out far you are from the lightning in a thunderstorm?

The next time theres a thunderstorm, try a little experiment with sound. Try to time how long it takes distant sounds to reach you. From the safety of our home, count the seconds between the time you see a flash of lightning and the time you hear the noise of the thunder.

What sound occurs because of rapidly expanding air during a thunderstorm?


What is the difference between a thunderstorm and lightning?

A thunderstorm is a weather system characterized by thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds. Lightning, on the other hand, is a sudden electrostatic discharge produced during a thunderstorm, resulting in a visible flash of light and a loud cracking or rumbling noise. Thunder is the sound produced by lightning as it heats the air and causes it to rapidly expand.

How does a thunderstorm create lightning and thunder?

Yes, A Lightning storm produces lightning, thunder comes with the light. Thunder comes after lightning because sound is slower than light.

What is a rainstorm with thunder and lighting?

A rainstorm with thunder and lightning is called a thunderstorm. Thunder is the sound produced by lightning, which occurs when electrical charges build up in the atmosphere and then discharge. Lightning is the visible discharge of electricity that occurs during a thunderstorm.

Why do you see the flash of lightning before heaving the thunder?

Light travels through air about 873,000 times as fast as sound does. If lightning strikes two kilometers away, it takes the light 6.67 microseconds to reach you (a microsecond is a millionth of a second), but it takes the sound 5.83 seconds to reach you. You can use that difference to determine how far away a lightning strike is. If you start a stopwatch as soon as you see a lightning flash then stop it as soon as you hear the thunder, then divide the time in seconds by 2.91 km/s, the quotient is the distance of the lightning in kilometers (divide by 4.69 miles/s to get the distance of the lightning in miles).

During a thunderstorm 3.4 s elapses between observing a lightning flash and hearing the resulting thunder Approximately how far away in kilometers and miles was the lightning flash?

Divide the time interval by 5 to get the distance in kilometers (3.4 s / 5 = 0.68 km). To convert to miles, multiply by 0.62 (0.68 km * 0.62 = 0.42 miles). The lightning was approximately 0.68 kilometers (0.42 miles) away.

Is thunder electricity?

Thunder is not electricity itself, but rather the sound that results from the rapid expansion and contraction of air heated by a lightning bolt. Lightning is a discharge of electricity that occurs during a thunderstorm, which can produce the sound we hear as thunder.

Why does lightning first?

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, therefore you see lightning first during a thunderstorm, then you hear the thunder. *yikes!* :) ilovecatz1234

Is lightning and thunder alike?

No, though they are closely related phenomena. Lightning is an enormous, bright electrical discharged that takes place during a thunderstorm. Thunder is the booming or cracking sound generate by lightning.

How can YOU tell from the thunderstorm that sound waves and light waves travel at different speeds?

You can tell that sound waves and light waves travel at different speeds during a thunderstorm by observing the delay between seeing lightning and hearing thunder. Light travels much faster than sound, so the lightning is seen almost instantly while the thunder takes longer to reach you. This delay in the arrival of sound waves compared to light waves demonstrates their different speeds of travel.

Why most people don't like a thunderstorm?

Because thunderstorm can kill you with one strike of lightning. And also, thunderstorm will make people heart attack because of its sound that so loud out of nowhere without any warning.