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In hour there are 60 minutes, you divide it by 15 minutes you'll have 4. So there are 4 bacterias in 1 hour. You'll multiply 4 by 24 hours and you'll have 92. Therefore there are 92 bacteriasreproduced in 24 hours.

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Q: If bacteria reproduce every 15 minutes how many do you have after 24 hours?
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Can bacteria reproduce every two hours?


If your bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes how many bacteria would you have at the end of twenty four hours assuming that you begin with one bacterium?

64x10^18 power or 64,000,000,000,000,000,000. 64 exa bacterium)

If one bacteria doubles every twenty minutes how many bacteria would you have after seven hours?


How quick do bacteria reproduce?

Bacteria can reproduce extremely quickly if in the right environment. Under favorable conditions, a single bacteria can reproduce 108 bacteria in twelve hours.

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes, so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria, and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria. How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

If a bacterium could divide into two every 20 minutes how many bacteria would be produced after 8 hours?

20 minutes = 1/3rd of an hour8 hours = (8 x 3) = 24 thirds of an hour = 24 divisions.If all survive and reproduce, the population after 24 divisions = 224 = 16,777,216 bugs.

How often do bacteria reproduce?

It depends upon the environmental conditions and the particular species, but as a general Answer: Exponentially. Specifically, under Ideal {standard laboratory} Conditions, an E-coli bacterium will [repeatedly] reproduce once during each (and every continuing) 20 minute interval(s).

A certain bacteria doubles its population every 3 minutes how many bacteria will you end up with if you leave the single bacteria 24 hours?

Use a calculator! Hope that helps :)

Where do microoganism reproduce faster?

Microorganisms can produce faster in a favorable environment where certain conditions are met. For example, in a natural habitat microorganisms can reproduce in 20 minutes. In a laboratory, a single microorganism can reproduce to create more than 100 bacteria in 12 hours.

Why is there so much bacteria?

We have a lot of the different types of bacteria which are required for different things and they all reproduce quickly.

A culture of 10 bacteria is started and the number of bacteria will double every hour in about how many hours will there be 3000000 bacteria?

After t hours the number of bacteria is 10*2t. So 10*2t > 3000000 => 2t > 300000 => t(log2) > log(300000) => t > log(300000)/(log2) => t > 18.19.. So in just over 18 hours (or 18 hours and 12 minutes, approx).

What is a similar organisms that successfully reproduce?

Many single-celled organisms reproduce the same way as an amoeba. In fact, most of them do. Bacteria can reproduce into over 200 other bacteria in 3 hours if the environment around them is appropriate.