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Q: If expression 16t2 gives the distance in feet that an object falls after t seconds evaluate 16t2 for each given value of t?
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To find the distance traveled in the first 5 seconds, we multiply the average velocity by the time traveled. If the object's velocity is constant, this distance is equal to the velocity multiplied by the time.

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What is the equation and variable labels for free falling water?

There are different formulas/equations used for a free falling object. In order to evaluate the distance D travelled by an object for a time T, we can use d=1/2 gt2. Likewise, to evaluate time taken for an object to fall a specific distance, we can use t=?2d/g.

What is the speed of an object 10m from you for 2 seconds?

To calculate the speed of an object, we need to know the distance it travels and the time it takes. If the object is 10m away from you and travels that distance in 2 seconds, we can calculate its speed using the formula: Speed = Distance/Time. In this case, Speed = 10m/2s = 5 m/s.

What two things must you know to determine average speed?

To determine average speed, you need to know what distance the object traveled in meters over how long it took the object to travel that distance in seconds.

Speed is the ratio of the distance an object moves to?

speed is the ratio of the distance an object moves per time unit (seconds,minutes hours)

What is the distance of an object that has an angular diameter of 100 seconds of arc and a linear diameter of 30 meters?

The distance would be approximately 1.15 kilometers. This can be calculated using the formula: distance (in meters) = linear size (in meters) / tan(angular size in radians). The angular size of 100 seconds of arc is approximately 0.00048 radians (100/206265), and the tan of this angle is roughly 0.00048. Dividing 30 meters by 0.00048 gives us 62500 meters, which is 1.15 kilometers.

What is the small-angle formula?

The small angle formula is used for measuring the distance to a far away object when the actual size and angular size are known, or for finding out the actual size of a faraway object when the distance to the object and angular size are known. In arc-seconds: a = 206265 x D/d where a = the angular size of the object in arc-seconds D = the actual linear size of an object in km d = the distance to the object in km 206265 = the number of arc-seconds in a complete circle divided by 2pi In Radians: a = D/d where a = angular size of object in radians

How far does an object fall in .25 seconds?

Assuming the object starts from rest, the distance an object falls in 0.25 seconds can be calculated using the equation ( d = \frac{1}{2}gt^2 ), where (d) is the distance, (g) is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and (t) is the time. Substituting the values, the object would fall approximately 0.31 meters in 0.25 seconds.

How far does an object move if it travels at a speed of 10 meters per seconds for 8 seconds?

The object will move a total distance of 80 meters, which is calculated by multiplying the speed (10 m/s) by the time (8 seconds).

How long will it take an object dropped from a window to fall a distance of 78.4 meters?

4 Seconds

What is the distance covered by a freely falling object 5 seconds after it is dropped from rest?

0.7848 meter