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The average speed was 720/5.4 = 133.33... miles per hour

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Q: If i go 720 miles in 5.4 hours what was my speed?
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You would divide 63 (miles) into 70 (mph) which gives you .9. Then you multiply .9 (miles per minute) by 60 (minutes per hour), THEN you arrive at your answer. 54😉👍🏻

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It's 223 miles, so if you travel by car and follow the speed limit it's 3 hours and 54 minutes.

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Velocity is speed plus direction. If you say you are traveling at 54 miles per hour, you are giving your speed. If you say you are going north at 54 miles per hour, you are giving your velocity.

How long does it take to drive 254 miles?

It depends on your speed. So, as an example, if you could drive non-stop at a constant speed of 65 mph, it would take about 3 hours and 54 minutes.

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24 hours