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Q: If one event has impossible outcomes and a second event has no possible outcomes after the first event has occurred then there are m times n total possible outcomes for the two events?
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How do you find the probability of disjoint events?

Multiply the possible outcomes of the events in the disjoint events

How would you find the total number of possible outcomes of 2 independent events occurring at the same time?

They are the product of the number of possible outcomes for each of the component events.

If there are 13 events with 2 possible outcomes in each How many total outcomes are there for all 13 events?

I assume you mean how many possible outcomes when looking at all 13 results. It would be 2^13 = 8192

What is the definition of counting principal?

Counting Principle is used to find the number of possible outcomes. It states that if an event has m possible outcomes and another independent event has n possible outcomes, then there are mn possible outcomes for the two events together.

What is the definition of collectively exhaustive events?

It is a set of events that, taken together, include all possible outcomes.

Why do you need probability in real life?

Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.Because there are many events whose outcomes cannot be determined. However, using probability it may be possible to make a good estimate as to the outcome.

What does it mean for probability to be exhaustive?

A set of events is said to be exhaustive if, between them, they cover all possible outcomes.

When a series of events takes place each with a fixed number of possible values the total number of possible outcomes is the of the number of values of each event?

The total number of possible outcomes is the product of the number of values for each event.

How do you draw a tree diagram to determine the number of outcomes?

Well you start with the first event, how many possibilities, draw a line down for each one, and state what event occurred. I.e. a heads or tails of a coin. Then from each of these outcomes, draw the possible outcomes from each of the first events reflecting the second events, i.e. HH, HT, TH, TT. Third outcome (third flip of a coin) would look like this. HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT

When a series of events takes place each with a fixed number of possible values the total number of possible outcomes is the of the number of values of each event.?


What is the definition of a random event in Math?

Random events are events that do not have a determined outcome. The set of possible outcomes for a random event is always greater than one item.