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Q: If one of the rectangular components of a vector is not zero can its magnitude be zero Explain?
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What is the angle between rectangular componenet of a vector?

The angle between the rectangular components of a vector can be calculated using trigonometry. You can use the arctangent function to find the angle. For example, if you have a vector with components (x, y), the angle would be arctan(y/x).

What are the components of a vector?

The components of a vector are magnitude and direction.

The components of a vector or what?

The components of a vector are magnitude and direction.

Can a vector have a zero magnitude if all of its components are zero?

If all the components of a vector are zero, the magnitude of the vector will always be zero.

Can a magnitude of vector greater than its components?

No, the magnitude of a vector cannot be greater than the sum of its components. The magnitude of a vector is always equal to or less than the sum of the magnitudes of its components. This is known as the triangle inequality.

How the magnitude of vector is equal to 1?

If the sum of the squares of the vector's components is ' 1 ',then the vector's magnitude is ' 1 '.

What is meant by rectangular unit vector?

A unit vector has a length (magnitude) equal to 1 (one unit). A rectangular vector is a coordinate vector specified by components that define a rectangle (or rectangular prism in three dimensions, and similar shapes in greater dimensions). The starting point and terminal point of the vector lie at opposite ends of the rectangle (or prism, etc.).

Can a vector have zero magnitude if one of its component is not zero?

No, a vector cannot have zero magnitude if one of its components is not zero. The magnitude of a vector is determined by the combination of all its components, so if any component is not zero, the vector will have a non-zero magnitude.

What is resolution of vector?

Spliting up of vector into its rectangular components is called resolution of vector

How a vector can be express in term of its rectangular component?

A vector can be expressed in terms of its rectangular components by breaking it down into its horizontal and vertical components. These components represent the projection of the vector onto the x and y axes. The vector can then be expressed as the sum of these components using the appropriate unit vectors (i and j for x and y directions, respectively).

Can a component of vector greater than vector magnitude?

No, a component of a vector cannot be greater than the magnitude of the vector itself. The magnitude of a vector is the maximum possible value that can be obtained from its components.

Do the vector components double if the vector doubles with the same direction?

Yes, if a vector doubles in magnitude with the same direction, then its components will also double in value. This is because the components of a vector are directly proportional to its magnitude in the same direction.