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You need the length and/or width: could be 1 x 18, 2 x 9, 3 x 6 etc which would have perimeters of 38 cm, 22 cm and 18 cm respectively.

Perimeter = 2 x (L + W)

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Q: If the area of a rectangle is 18cm how would you find the perimeter?
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A rectangle has a length of six cm What is its width if its perimeter and area are the same number?

18cm is the area and perimeter. the width is 3cm.

Can you show a rectangle with an area of 20cm square and 18cm perimeter?

The dimensions of the rectangle are 5 cm by 4 cm

What is the perimeter of a rectangle 18cm long and area 144 square cm?

Width of rectangle: 144/18 = 8cm Perimeter of rectangle: 2*(18+8) = 52cm

What is the length and width of the perimeter of 18cm and area of 18cm square?

Perimeter = 2 x L + W so L + W = 9, this would be 6 x 3 to give area of 18

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The perimeter of rectangle A would then be 80 because 80 to 100 is 4 to 5 simplified and the area of triangle A would depend on the sides and area of rectangle B which have not been given.

What would be a greater perimeter but a smaller area to a question of 24 and a area of 27?

Perimeter = 24 and area = 27 . . . . . rectangle, 3 by 9 Perimeter = 32 and area = 15 . . . . . rectangle, 1 by 15

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How do you maximize the area given the perimeter?

In the case of a rectangle, you would maximize the area given the perimeter by making the dimensions equal. In other words, you would make the rectangle into a square. However, to truly maximize the area, you would make the perimeter a perfect circle.

The area of a rectangle is 100 inches the perimeter is 40 a second rectangle has the same area but a different perimeter. Is the second rectangle a square?

the area of a rectangleis 100 square inches. The perimeter of the rectangle is 40 inches. A second rectangle has the same area but a different perimeter. Is the secind rectangle a square? Explain why or why not.

What is the area of a rectangle 6cm x 18cm?

Area = 6*18 = 108 square cm

What measurements do you need to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle how would you use these measurements to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle?

you need length and width length multiply width = area length + length + width + width = perimeter

What is area of rectangle length 25Cm breath 18Cm?

450 square centimeters