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Q: If the confidence level C increases will the margin of error decreases if we use the same sample from the same population.?
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Why does margin of error increases while level of confidence increases?

The margin of error increases as the level of confidence increases because the larger the expected proportion of intervals that will contain the parameter, the larger the margin of error.

What happens to the confidence interval as the standard deviation of a distribution increases?

The standard deviation is used in the numerator of the margin of error calculation. As the standard deviation increases, the margin of error increases; therefore the confidence interval width increases. So, the confidence interval gets wider.

In a poll of 100 adults 45 percent reported they believe in faith healing If the poll was based on 5000 adults would the confidence interval be wider or narrower?

The formula for margin of error is (Z*)*(Standard Deviation))/(sqrt(N)), so as N increases, the margin of error decreases. Here N went from 100 to 5000, so N has increased by 4900. This means the margin of error decreases. Since the confidence interval is the mean plus or minus the margin of error, a smaller margin of error means that the confidence interval is narrower.

The width of a confidence interval is equal to twice the value of the margin of error?

No. The width of the confidence interval depends on the confidence level. The width of the confidence interval increases as the degree of confidence demanded from the statistical test increases.

Why does the margin of error increase as the confidence increases?

The margin of error is dependent on the confidence interval.I'll give you examples to understand it better.We know:Confidence Interval (CI) = x(bar) ± margin of error (MOE)MOE = (z confidence)(sigma sub x bar, aka standard error of mean)When CI = 95%, MOE = (1.96)(sigma sub x bar)When CI = 90%, MOE = (1.64)(sigma sub x bar)Naturally, the margin of error will decrease as confidence level decreases.

From a population with a variance of 900 a sample of 225 items is selected At 95 percent confidence the margin of error is?


How do you find The margin of error for the confidence interval is?

Generally speaking an x% confidence interval has a margin of error of (100-x)%.

Contribution margin ratio always increases when?

The contribution margin ratio increases when?

Compute the population mean margin of error for a 90 percent confidence interval when sigma is 4 and the sample size is 36?


99 percent confidence interval Population mean 24.4 to 38.0 find the mean sample?

if the confidence interval is 24.4 to 38.0 than the average is the exact middle: 31.2, and the margin of error is 6.8

What Happens To The Width Of The Confidence Interval If You Decrease The Confidence Level Decrease The Sample Size or Decrease the margin of error?

The width of the confidence interval willdecrease if you decrease the confidence level,increase if you decrease the sample sizeincrease if you decrease the margin of error.

How does Increasing the sample size while keeping the same confidence level has what effect on the margin of error?

The margin of error is reduced.