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The relationship to be kept in mind is that the time period, which is the time take for one complete oscillation, is the reciprocal of frequency (the number of oscillations completed in one second).

That is, T = 1/f

where Period T, is measured in seconds

Frequency f, is measured in Hertz.

In your specific case, if f = 10 Hz, T = 0.1 s.

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Q: If the frequency of a given wave is 10 Hz what is the period of the wave?
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Period = 1/FrequencySo if we set Frequency = x THEN:10 = 1/x10x = 1x = 1/10IF Period of a Wave is 10 Seconds THEN The Frequency =1/10 or .10

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To find the inverse frequency of a wave, you simply take the reciprocal of the frequency value. For example, if the frequency of a wave is 10 Hz, the inverse frequency would be 1/10 Hz. This can be useful in certain calculations or when analyzing wave properties.

A wave frequency of 10 Hertz would correspond to a period of?

A wave frequency of 10 Hertz corresponds to a period of 0.1 seconds. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency, so in this case, 1/10 = 0.1 seconds.

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The number of waves that occur in a given time period depends on the frequency of the wave. The frequency is defined as the number of complete wave cycles that occur in one second and is measured in hertz. For example, if a wave has a frequency of 10 Hz, it means that 10 complete wave cycles occur in one second.

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The period of a wave is the inverse of its frequency. Therefore, for a radio wave with a frequency of 880,000,000 Hz, the period can be calculated as 1 / 880,000,000 ≈ 1.136 × 10^-9 seconds.

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The frequency of the wave is the reciprocal of its period. Therefore, the frequency of a wave with a period of 9.26 ns is approximately 108 MHz (1 / 9.26 x 10^-9 seconds = 108 x 10^6 Hz).

What is the period of a 10 Hz wave?

The period of a 10 Hz wave is 0.1 seconds. Period is defined as the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur, which is the reciprocal of the frequency. In this case, 1/10 Hz equals 0.1 seconds.

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10 Hz

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If you mean a wave that has a frequency of 10 hz at 360 m/s, then the answer is 1/36 of a second. The period is the inverse of the wavelength and the wavelength is equal to the wave speed divided y the frequency. 360/10=36 and the inverse of 36 is 1/36.

If the frequency of an FM wave is 8.85 and times 107 hertz what is the period of the FM wave?

The period of a wave is the reciprocal of its frequency. So, to find the period of the FM wave, you would take the reciprocal of 8.85 times 10^7 hertz. This would give you the period in seconds.

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of 20 cm and a speed of 10 m s?

The formula to calculate the frequency of a wave is: frequency = speed / wavelength. Plugging in the given values, the frequency of the wave would be 0.5 Hz.