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It depends on kind of wave and on material in which the waves propagate.

There is only one well know case when the speed of wave does not depend on frequency (or its length). These are electromagnetic waves is space (i.e. perfect vacuum; then speed is equal c [speed of light] for any frequencies - and you can answer this question because: speed = frequency X wave length).

In any other case - when wave propagates through some material (air, metal, rock) -

its speed usually depends on frequency. It is described by a "dispersing curve" which is different for different materials (air, metal, rocks etc) and different for different type of waves (electromagnetic, acoustic, seismic; longitudinal, perpendicular etc ...). These dependencies are usually nonlinear and sometimes really complex. In many cases they cannot be explain theoretically and their only source are experimental data.

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Q: If the frequency of the wave is doubled by what multiplicative factor does the speed change?
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