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Q: If the length of a activity is more than 150 seconds what energy system is used?
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What energy system is used when an activity that is relatively short in time ( 10 seconds) and has few repetitions predominately called.?

The instantaneous energy system, also known as the immediate energy system or phosphagen system, is primarily used for short-duration, high-intensity activities lasting around 10 seconds. This system relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate to provide rapid energy for explosive movements.

How long does the nonoxidative energy system typically provide energy?

10-120 seconds

How long does the energy system last for?

The energy system in our body continuously produces and uses energy to support various functions such as muscular activity, digestion, and nervous system functions. It is an ongoing process that is dependent on nutrient intake, physical activity, and overall health.

What is the immediate energy system?

The immediate energy system, also known as the ATP-PCr system, relies on stored ATP and phosphocreatine (PCr) to provide a rapid source of energy for short bursts of high-intensity activity, such as sprinting or jumping. This system does not require oxygen and is capable of quickly replenishing ATP stores to support immediate energy needs.

What energy pathway is only responsible for about 10 seconds of energy production?

ATP-PCr system

What is the measurement in chemistry?

International Chemists us the SI system. the standard measurements are as follows temp-kelvin length-cm energy-joules time - seconds mass- gram pressure-atm

Are seconds part of the metric system?

Seconds are not part of the metric system, they are a unit of time measurement. The metric system is based on the meter, kilogram, and second as the base units for length, mass, and time respectively.

How does the Phosphagen system work?

The Phosphagen system provides rapid energy through the breakdown of phosphocreatine, which regenerates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for immediate use during high-intensity, short-duration activities such as sprinting or weightlifting. This system does not require oxygen and can quickly produce energy, but it is limited in capacity and only sustains activity for around 10-15 seconds.

How is the phosphocreatine system effected by acute exercise?

The phosphocreatine system responds to acute exercise in a number of different ways. It is the first energy system that is used and it is the quickest energy system to recover. The energy system is anaerobic but only lasts up to ten seconds.

How long does the nonoxidative energy system typically provides energy?

The nonoxidative energy system provides energy for short, high-intensity activities lasting up to around 10-15 seconds. It relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate in the muscles for immediate energy production.

What are the effects of drinking an energy drink before athletic activity?

Energy drinks take awhile to get into your system. Energy drinks can take an hour to get into your system. So if you do, make sure you drink it at least an hour before your athletic activity. Water only takes ten minutes

What is the life activity that releases energy?

Blood circulation takes oxygen to your system---(circulation)