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If there are 85 questions, a passing grade of 80% would be 68 correct answers.

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Q: If there are 85 questions in a test and you must get a 80 percent how many do you need to get right -?
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If there are 85 questions in a test and you must get a 80 percent how many do you need to get right?

You would need to answer 68 questions correctly.

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60 percent = 60/100 60% of 40 = 60/100 x 40 = 24. Ans: 24 questions.

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Each question is worth 2.5% so lets say the fail is 60%, you have to get 24 questions right to get a 60%, for an A you have to get 36 questions right.

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You can miss out 12 but: you must get all the remaining correct and there must be no penalties for wrong answers.

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You must get 19 questions right on a 25 question test to earn a score of 75%

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30/100*25 =7.5 so you must not get more than 7 questions wrong to score 70%

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-a 6/8 is a 75% -a 7/8 is an 87% So in order to get at least an 80%, you must score at least a 7

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35 out of 40.

Why doesnt anyone answer any questions?

Because you must ask the right questions =)