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The mean being equal to the range has nothing to do with symmetry.

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Q: If this data set is not symmetrical why does the mean nearly equal the range?
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How can you use range while planning to draw a line graph?

The data range must fit within the range of the axis.The data range must fit within the range of the axis.The data range must fit within the range of the axis.The data range must fit within the range of the axis.

Definition of Data Range?

the difference of greatest data value minus least data value = data range

What are the two data sets of 5 values which have the same range and interquartile range but the first set is symmetrical and the other set is skewed left?

Here is one pair: {1, 2, 3, 6, 7} and {1, 2, 5, 6, 7} The fact that the range and interquartile range are the same fixes the relative positions four points in each set - all but the median.

What is the range of the data how do you find it?

You subtract the smallest data point from the largest data point in the set. The result is the range.

Can the range be the data on the y axis or can the range be the amount of data on a graph?

The y-axis.

When you subtract the highest data point from the lowest data point?

When you subtract the highest data point from the lowest data point, you are finding the range of the data set. Range provides a measure of how spread out the values in the data set are.

How do you do the range in math?

You take the largest number in the data and subtract it from the smallest number in the data and you will get the range.